Over 100,000 students have learned with uTheory.
uTheory is trusted by school districts and colleges around the world, including the Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Baylor University and the Oberlin Conservatory.
And students actually enjoy using it.
Thanks a million for uTheory! Music theory has never seemed so straight-forward before. It's like a whole new world!
I can't imagine teaching a music theory fundamentals class without uTheory. The progression of topics, clear explanations, and the opportunity for students to practice at their own pace or mine make uTheory the perfect complement to my lectures, live workshops and traditional pencil-and-paper assignments.
My first-year students arrive with vastly different experience, and it can be difficult to meet their diverse needs in the classroom.
uTheory has really leveled the playing field and set them up for success throughout the curriculum.
uTheory has streamlined our application process by integrating online music theory testing with our student information system. But more importantly, our applicants experience a well designed tool for learning that goes far beyond a static theory exam.
Learn by doing with dozens of interactive exercises
Practice what you need, not what you don't
Track your progress over time in multiple areas
Designed by top college music faculty